Wildfire Digital+ Support

Digital+ How-Tos

The answers to your questions on how to navigate Wildfire's digital banking system.

How To Enroll

White  Question Mark inside orange circle
dark green storefront in a white circle that is in a dark green circle
white cartoon smartphone with Wildfire flutter in an orange circle
white cartoon smartphone with Wildfire flutter in an dark green circle

Personal How-To

White Credit Card icon inside an orange circle
White cartoon shield with a check mark in the middle inside a orange circle
White cartoon person cheering inside an orange circle
White piggy bank icon with a white coin going into it in a orange circle
white cartoon Hand holding cash in an orange circle
White cartoon stack of dollar bills in a orange circle
white Money bag and stack of coins in an orange circle
White cartoon paper with a white house on it inside a orange circle
White cartoon stack of dollar bills in a orange circle
White cartoon paper with a white house on it inside a orange circle
White cartoon smartphone with a US dollar symbol on the screen in a teal circle

Business How-To

dark green storefront in a white circle that is in a dark green circle
Cartoon white credit card inside a dark green circle
White cartoon shield with a check mark in the middle inside a dark green circle
White cartoon person cheering inside a dark green circle
White piggy bank icon with a white coin going into it in a dark green circle
Pile of cash in a dark green circle
white Money bag and stack of coins in a Pine green circle
White cartoon paper with a white house on it inside a dark green circle
Pile of cash in a dark green circle
White cartoon smartphone with a US dollar symbol on the screen in a dark green circle

Mobile How-To

White Credit Card icon inside an orange circle
White cartoon stack of dollar bills in a orange circle
White cartoon shield with a check mark in the middle inside a orange circle
white cartoon Hand holding cash in an orange circle
white cartoon smartphone with Wildfire flutter in an orange circle
White cartoon paper with a white house on it inside a orange circle
White cartoon person cheering inside an orange circle