Wildfire Credit Union

Wildfire wants you to succeed and achieve your dreams!

How can we help?

Person using a phone and computer at a table

Watch Out for Fraud & Scams


We will NEVER call you and ask for personal information. If a phone call, email, or text ever gives you any doubt hang up immediately and contact us!

Learn more

Today's Rates

Conventional Mortgages 10-year

Feb 17, 2023, 00:00 AM
Title : Conventional Mortgages 10-year
Term : 10 Year Fixed
Payment Amount : $10.92/mo per $1,000 borrowed.
Account Info :
Interest : 5.625 %
APR : 5.862 %
Categories :
  • Conventional Mortgages
  • Featured

CD Specials


4.50% APY*

9 Month CD Special

* APY=Annual Percentage Yield | $500 Minimum Deposit | Early withdrawal penalties do apply

CD Rates

Auto Loans


6.49% APR*

New & Used 2016 or Newer
12 to 60 Months

* APR=Annual Percentage Rate

Auto Rates



5.80% APR*

10 Year Fixed

* APR=Annual Percentage Rate

Mortgage Rates

Brighten Your Banking Experience

Female happily hiking and looking through binoculars.jpg



Check out the latest and upcoming ways to earn and save at Wildfire, from CD & loan specials to bonus points on Cash Back Rewards.

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Wildfire Employee happily helping a member


Our Story

From 1937, when we began, to today, and into the future, we strive to be the most trusted financial partner for our members and community.

Our Story
Man looking at his laptop smiling


Application Tracking

Waiting to hear back on a loan or membership application? Click the link below for an update of your application status!

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Group of friends hiking

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